When you have computer problems, it tends to rank high on the list of most frustrating issues to deal with. Whether it is a problem setting up all the software on a new computer, issues involved in hooking up a wireless home network, or dealing with nasty computer viruses or hijackers, these problems can cause anyone's blood pressure to boil.
Quality Service at Home or Onsite
MyTECH has the solution for all of your computer setup and repair needs. We have highly skilled, friendly technicians that have over ten years experience in the field and understand how frustrating these disruptions to your life can be. Our technicians can quickly diagnose and solve any computer woes that you have.
In addition, at MyTECH, we have the capability to provide these services onsite as well as remotely through online support. When the problem is a software issue, which the majority of computer troubles are, then we are able to solve those issues without inconveniencing you with a trip to our shop or waiting for our technicians to come to you. Instead, by utilizing online remote support software, our computer technicians can look at all aspects of your computer software, diagnose the problem, and solve it, thus saving you time and money.
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(803) 586-0476
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